Monday, December 1, 2014

how to get a flexible back fast : dance beginners !!

I always had A hard time getting flexible especially for those who attend dance/cheer/gymnastic sports that require yourself to be really flexible in order to be successful. These are some moves I used for when I was a beginning dancer to get my flexible back ( this is especially formatted for dancers. ) These are 5 poses/moves to help you.

1st move : bridge / back bend  ( if you do not know what this looks like, search it up :) ) ( from easiest level to hardest 1 = easy, 4= hardest )

1st stage : start off with your hands on the floor laying on you back hands  backwards ( wrist facing your body ) legs bent ( like you are doing a slight kneel but not all the way ) then slowly push yourself lifting your hands and feet ( sole and palms on the floor ) and your back should be arched like a bridge. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds.

2nd stage : repeat 1st stage, the when you are arched slowly try to walk your hands and feet closer to each other.

3rd stage : on a wall.

Stand up in front of a wall and go into an arch legs slightly bent and arch your body back, arching you down if you cannot go all the way down use the wall and your hands by " stepping " on the wall with your palms to help you.

4th and final stage : similar to 3rd stage do a full back bend/ arch/bridge without a wall completely straight away.

2nd move/pose  is Child's pose : simple and relaxing ( only one stage .... kinda.... )

Easy kneel down on your knees head and stomach  ( sticking ) on your thighs/legs, hands straight and forwards ( do not bend your hands/arms !! ) and slowly with your fingers slowly drag yourself forward to stretch.

3rd move / pose is derriere kicks ( or batmonton something in ballet.... )

basically hold your arms and hands or relax them on a barre bar / ballet dancing bar or on a table about your chest high, arms shoulder width your whole body facing the table/bar do not turn your hips, stomach tucked inn and chin up have a straight back, point your legs  and carefully lift and kick back ( your legs ) do NOT bring your chest forward to the bar or lean forwards and/or back, keep your mind and body straight.... this may hurt a little............. muscles and stretching............ lower back guys.

4th move/pose: back pulls

lay on your stomach fully on the ground then bend your arms shoulder width ( like about to do a push up but with your stomach on the ground ) , then gradually push yourself up lifting the back up legs on the ground still but back and chest lifted.

5th move/pose: pike stretch/toe touch

get up on your feet and stand up , without curving your back or bending your knees aim to touch your toes, DO NOT BEND KNEES !! just get up keep your back straight and touch your toes, hold for 8-15 seconds. then relax with child's pose.

I just hope that these straches would help you in dance/gym/cheer or whatever you are doing, it sure helped me and gradually now I do have a flexible back. hope you enjoyed

good luck,


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